Not Feeling the Title Today...
Hey everyone . Depending on how well you know me, I am not the most creative person on the planet. So I chose not to put a meaningful subject title on this time. If you hate that, my apologies. Anyways, the week was great! Lots of fun experiences, many things happening, and the weather has been awesome. Here we go. So in order for someone to be baptized into the church, he must go through something called a baptismal interview, which is where a missionary or another church leader asks some questions to the individual being baptized. It is just to see what they have learned and how they came to know that the teaching of the gospel are true. So I got to do my second one this week, I don't know if i mentioned the first one. This one was with Riley, one of the investigators for the Assistants to the President. I love baptismal interviews. Getting to know the individual and hearing their testimony is so cool. It helps me to strengthen my testimony and think about the basic thing...