Baptismal Olympics!
Exchanges with Elders Murphy & Wadsworth Hello everyone! Man, was it a week to remember or what. The awkward thing is I can’t remember a lot of what happened, but believe me, it was awesome. You can take my word for it. The Baptism I was lucky enough to go back to Phoenix for a bit, we got to go see Ryan Shea’s baptism, he is the husband of Heather Shae who got baptized a few weeks ago. Elder Gardea and I found their family a few months ago, so we got permission to go to the baptism and it was awesome! Funny story time first: He asked Brother Thrasher to do the baptism, so Sister Thrasher was sitting on the row behind them when the service started. Sister Thrasher went up to give the opening prayer, leaving her young child alone on that row. Her son saw his opportunity. Without hesitating he made a mad dash for the hallway, with no one to slow him down. His dad saw it coming, and in a white jumpsuit, literally hurdled the row of chairs and literally SAT on the kid ...