One of Those Weeks...Until Yesterday! :)
The sunset was killer after a dust storm this past week.
Alright, everybody. SO I hate it, but there is not as much to write about this week. Most of what you are going to hear happened yesterday. But hey, that is okay because the experiences that I had
are BOMB :)
Alright, so this week was pretty slow for the most part. From Wednesday morning to Friday evening we had taught one lesson and had over 10 cancellations I think. So needless to say we were a bit discouraged. But Elder Grigsby told me that the bad days usually mean that something good is about to happen. And man oh man was he right. But we will get to that.
are BOMB :)
Alright, so this week was pretty slow for the most part. From Wednesday morning to Friday evening we had taught one lesson and had over 10 cancellations I think. So needless to say we were a bit discouraged. But Elder Grigsby told me that the bad days usually mean that something good is about to happen. And man oh man was he right. But we will get to that.
I decided to get some of that #flagswag going on last night!
Last week I told you a little about some sisters we are teaching. They are so cool. They made us literally like 20 pounds of
chicken and rice to eat on Tuesday so we haven't gone hungry haha. However, on Saturday we were notified that one of our investigator's baby and fiancée were in an accident of some kind. They both had surgery but they are doing very well. The injuries were not very severe, it was just pretty traumatizing for that whole family I think. But they are doing well and we should still be teaching them sometime this week.
Okay. So yesterday morning we had two lessons planned. One of them recently received permission to be baptized from his parents, which wasn't supposed to happen until three years from #miracle!! Anyways, we met with
him, and we extended the date to be baptized on October 8th. Then he asked the golden question, "what do I need to do to get baptized"? So that was so awesome. Then the other appointment cancelled (dang it) but another family rescheduled their earlier cancellation this week for 6:30 last night. So we are like, heck yeah, let's do this. So we went and talked to
them. They told us that their goal as a family is to get to the temple and be sealed (bound together) as a family forever! That is so cool to have that as a goal. We taught the plan of salvation to clarify some doctrine, and were inspired to put a
HUGE emphasis on eternal families. By the end of the lesson the sister was crying from happiness and we were ready to finally extend her a date for baptism. So she has committed to being baptized on September 24, and
her husband has agreed to set up an appointment with the bishop to start preparing to get back to the temple for the first time in 16 years. It was the most spiritual experience I have had so far, and it goes to show that through perseverance comes the blessings. Remember that everyone.
Well I don't have too much time left, but let me leave you with an indirect quote from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. I don't know what he really said but this is pretty darn close. He said that when we are faced with the question of why life is so hard, here is what we need to remember. Salvation is not supposed to be easy. It was not easy for the Lord Jesus Christ. If we expect to feel his love and be like him and return to live with him one day, we have to experience just a
little of the sorrow and hardship that he faced for all of us. That hit me really hard. As we are faced with challenges, turn to Christ. Turn to others. That is the best option, I promise you.
Love you all. Stay awesome, you are all amazing :)
chicken and rice to eat on Tuesday so we haven't gone hungry haha. However, on Saturday we were notified that one of our investigator's baby and fiancée were in an accident of some kind. They both had surgery but they are doing very well. The injuries were not very severe, it was just pretty traumatizing for that whole family I think. But they are doing well and we should still be teaching them sometime this week.
Okay. So yesterday morning we had two lessons planned. One of them recently received permission to be baptized from his parents, which wasn't supposed to happen until three years from #miracle!! Anyways, we met with
him, and we extended the date to be baptized on October 8th. Then he asked the golden question, "what do I need to do to get baptized"? So that was so awesome. Then the other appointment cancelled (dang it) but another family rescheduled their earlier cancellation this week for 6:30 last night. So we are like, heck yeah, let's do this. So we went and talked to
them. They told us that their goal as a family is to get to the temple and be sealed (bound together) as a family forever! That is so cool to have that as a goal. We taught the plan of salvation to clarify some doctrine, and were inspired to put a
HUGE emphasis on eternal families. By the end of the lesson the sister was crying from happiness and we were ready to finally extend her a date for baptism. So she has committed to being baptized on September 24, and
her husband has agreed to set up an appointment with the bishop to start preparing to get back to the temple for the first time in 16 years. It was the most spiritual experience I have had so far, and it goes to show that through perseverance comes the blessings. Remember that everyone.
Well I don't have too much time left, but let me leave you with an indirect quote from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. I don't know what he really said but this is pretty darn close. He said that when we are faced with the question of why life is so hard, here is what we need to remember. Salvation is not supposed to be easy. It was not easy for the Lord Jesus Christ. If we expect to feel his love and be like him and return to live with him one day, we have to experience just a
little of the sorrow and hardship that he faced for all of us. That hit me really hard. As we are faced with challenges, turn to Christ. Turn to others. That is the best option, I promise you.
Love you all. Stay awesome, you are all amazing :)
Elder Grigsby stole my camera while I was cooking my hamburger...
The quote from Elder Jeffery R. Holland that Trevor quotes indirectly:
"Anyone who does any kind of missionary work will have occasion to ask, Why is this so hard? Why doesn't it go better? Why can't our success be more rapid? Why aren't there more people joining the Church?..."
"You will have occasion to ask those questions. I have thought about this a great deal. I offer this as my personal feeling. I am convinced that missionary work is not easy because salvation is not a cheap experience. Salvation never was easy. We are The Church of Jesus Christ, this is the truth, and He is our Great Eternal Head. How could we believe it would be easy for us when it was never, ever easy for Him?..."
Missionary Work and the Atonement, Elder Jeffery R. Holland, March 2001
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