Finding Strength in the Small Things

Phillipians with an "F." Only in Arizona City.
Hello everybody! How are you all? This week was pretty darn good, and there was a lot going on! I don't have a ton of time so I'll do what I can!

Monday - District P-day, we did something called skittle bowling. You pick a skittle and do something weird when you bowl according to the color of it. It was lots of fun. We did that for one game and then normal for the second. I won the second. I haven't lost my touch yet ;) jk I'm still not great. In the evening we stopped by a less-active member's house and he showed us his new drone he bought that day. It was pretty awesome, and then we got him to commit to coming to church!

Tuesday - We got 13 referrals the previous week that we had zero time to contact, so we spent all day doing that. We went to dinner at a less active member's house and one of the members invited his coworker to join us who had tons of questions about the church. we ended up teaching him the plan of salvation and had some pretty delicious hamburgers in the process.

Wednesday - We had 6 cancellations but still ended up having 3 of our lessons, so it was a pretty effective day. We taught Scott, who is being baptized Friday, about chastity and the 10 commandments, and it was pretty good. Barbara couldn't make it which made things difficult, but we caught her up on Friday. Had a good lesson with a new investigator named Celie, she is from Holland and doesn't believe in God, but we taught her how to pray and she said the closing prayer! It was such a cool experience!

Thursday - Had weekly planning, and had interviews with President and Sister Christensen. They went great! I love those two! At noon we started exchanges. I went to Arizona City with Elder Scott. It was really cool! That day was the first time he tried biking and talking to everyone, so it was kinda cool to see his eyes light up once we started finding success that way. I think he hasn't had companions who are comfortable with it (I struggled with that for a long time) but it went pretty great. We found a less-active member who recently moved into the area who talked about how he had seen was an interesting conversation. We set a return appointment and when we left he wouldn't let me leave without giving me his was pretty funny. He brought out 4 different colognes for Elder Scott and sprayed them all over him. It was awesome.

Friday - Had an awesome lesson with a guy named Brother Fowler, he is a pastor at a church in Eloy, a town south of us. We talked about eternal families and he said he wanted to believe in it but couldn't find it in the bible, so we taught the plan of salvation and he felt really touched and said he would read the pamphlet and pray to know if it was true! t was great.

Saturday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMILLE! Had a good lesson with Scott and Barbara, and rescheduled the baptism to this coming Friday, and spent the rest of the day finding.

Sunday - Today was LONG. I love Fast Sunday though. Dinner always tastes so much better. We had a member of our Zone go home which was really sad, so the zone was pretty down. Had a dinner with the same family as Tuesday, but they are really cool and we had burgers again. We went finding in Colonia, a sketchy area of town, and found a really cool guy named Dwayne who invited us back over on Wednesday.

So it was a great week. The title was such because this week was pretty stressful, long, and tough at times, but it turned out okay because I know that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, God will strengthen all those who follow Him. Trust in them and they will help you. Have a great week! I love you all!

Elder Barlow

Elder Watt sat on the car & dented the hood.
It was stuck on something, so it took awhile to fix.



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